Дополнительные материалы к курсу "Овцеводство".
What is Precision Livestock Farming? ... Bio/smart sensors, IoT to facilitate machine-processor.
The next examples of IoT implementation is in Smart Animal Farming. After agriculture as one of sources for people living, Animal and Farming are also things that we have to put concern on. It provides food and vegetables for our daily supply. What happen when Internet of Things meets Animal Farming? See some examples of Internet of Things implementation for Smart Animal Farming:
Agriculture is the main source of income in countryside areas. Animals such as cow, buffalo, sheep and goat play an important role in rural living and source of income. Lot of farmers are now tormented from different animal diseases and increase in breeding cost. In modern era, compact wireless devices has made animal monitoring increasingly smart. However animal heat detection is still a complicated and inconvenient method. A complete integrated information and communication Technology is desired for animal monitoring system to identify the animal health, heat stress and fertility for artificial insemination during the livestock Monitoring. Here, wearable collar based device with sensors is placed in the neck of the animal helping the farmers to monitor the animal condition at remote distance via wireless communication and take timely actions in case of emergency. Cloud based framework has been proposed for livestock animal husbandry which will be beneficial in IoT healthcare solution.
Reaction of animal to environment change is the key point for ecologist. It can provide more accurate, real-time and comprehensive data when detecting the wildlife and measure environment parameters using networked sensor technology for monitoring, research and conservation of wildlife. This paper reviewed three aspects: (1) conventional detection technology, (2) the concepts and applications of the Internet of Things (IOT, in animal ecology, (3) advantages and disadvantages of IOT. The current theoretical limit of IOT in animal ecology also was discussed. Conclusively, IOT will be a new direction in animal ecological research, but still need to explore and develop the theoretical system and applying frameworks.
By combining the knowledge of the Faculty of Veterinary medicine at Utrecht University and the specialist in proven Internet of Things (IoT) solutions: CLICKEY solutions it's possible to get actual data about well-being, health, behavior and location of animals, by using high-quality sensor and communication technologies, in a very animal friendly way. Connected Animals connects literally animals to the internet. Not as a goal in itself, but always with a reason. Whether it's happy, healthy and productive cows, insight into the behaviour and the location of your dog or cat, or to the protection of wild animals. Connected Animals stands for responsible, affordable and working solutions. In many countries is a number of projects in progress. On this site you can find more information about this.
Since Neil Perkins, a sheep farmer from West Wales in the UK, made significant, technological changes to his farming practices a few years ago, he has become one of the biggest ram breeders in the UK.
Farming plays an important role in today's world and it requires proper environmental and diet care. A smart system is needed to operate and monitor animal farm remotely. This system should provide feed and water as required, exhaust the excess of biogas which is produced by the animals' waste, and detect fire in the farm. Moreover, this intelligent system should also do surveillance of the entire farm. This kind of intelligent system can be designed cost effectively by using microcontrollers, water level sensor, ultrasonic sensor, gas sensor, temperature, humidity sensor, and an IP Camera along with Internet or Intranet connectivity with the devices i.e. smart phones or computer. In this paper, we develop an IoT based smart animal farm with above mentioned features.
IoT Enabled Smart Farming - An IoT Solution for Agriculture and Poultry Farming
With the growing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), connected devices have penetrated every aspect of our life, from health and fitness, home automation, automotive and logistics, to smart cities and industrial IoT.
The following Channel Guide will help you:
Better understand the opportunities of and resource savings og using wireless sensors and remotely monitoring devices on your farm.
Filter and compare IoT Ag data platform vendors and alerting services. -
See how Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) are using cameras, sensors, data analytics and IoT to transform their industry. By using Hitachi solutions to collect data on everything: from quality of grass, to monitoring the weather and soil temperatures, and tracking livestock throughout the chain as well as analyzing this data, MLA is able to make better decisions and improve efficiencies. Learn more at: http://bit.ly/2xdUamH
Narrowband Internet of Things seeing traction in broad range of use cases
When thinking about applications for automation, robots, and connected sensors, their industrial uses immediately come to mind, but taking a closer look at developments in agriculture unearths a number of surprises. There are so many striking examples that could easily fill a whole magazine. Instead, we have picked out some that seem especially stunning.
Researchers at the University of Nottingham are working with agriculture industry leaders to address the challenge of lameness in sheep – and an IoT solution could provide the answer.
the benefits of precision farming and real-time monitoring of livestock. IoT is set to push the future of agribusiness to the next level. In some countries, smart ...
Even farm animals are becoming connected in today's digital world
The emergence of the internet of things in recent years has fired the imagination of innovators. IoT is increasingly finding innovative use in new areas, thereby opening new possibilities. One of the areas that IoT technology is now finding use in is care for farm animals.
Biosensors, as a software for animal health control, are an emerging marketplace this is fast gaining popularity in the international market. Globally, some of sensors being produced for animal fitness management are at various levels of commercialization. Some technologies for generating an accurate health repute and sickness prognosis are relevant most effective for humans, with few changes or checking out in animal fashions. Now, those modern technologies are being taken into consideration for their destiny use in cattle development and welfare. Precision farm animals farming techniques, which include an extensive span of technologies, are being applied, alongside superior technologies like microfluidics, sound analyzers, photograph-detection strategies, sweat and salivary sensing, sero diagnosis, and others. But, there is a want to integrate all the available sensors and create an efficient on-line monitoring gadget in order that animal health fame can be monitored in real time, right now. This assessment paper discusses the scope of different wearable technologies for animals, nano biosensors and superior molecular biology diagnostic techniques for the detection of numerous infectious illnesses of cattle, at the side of the efforts to enlist and evaluate those technologies with recognize to their drawbacks and advantages within the domain of animal fitness control. The paper considers all recent developments in the discipline of biosensors and their programs for animal fitness to provide insight regarding the appropriate method to be used in the future of superior animal welfare.
We all know that animal production is a complicated business. Each day is filled with thousands of variables that affect production outputs, from feed margins to animal productivity. The sheer amount of data that must be collected, reported and analyzed can be overwhelming. Equipment embedded with chips and sensors that share data over the “Internet of Things” (IoT) is the next phase in agribusiness innovation. The industry could see benefits in several areas, including improvements in the efficiency of real-time data collection, security, analysis and reporting.
Equipped with a hefty research grant, a professor in the U.K. is taking a novel approach to bringing Wi-Fi coverage to rural Wales: sheep outfitted with collars that transmit an Internet signal.
Обобщены основные результаты многолетних исследований влияния клима- та и погоды на сельскохозяйственных животных, находящихся на пастбищах в течение всего года. Описаны особенности теплового баланса и обмен энергии у теплокровных животных, энергетические потребности животных, находящихся в условиях жаркого (овцы) и холодного климата (северные олени). Сообщаются особенности водного режима овец в летний и зимний периоды. Подробно рассмотрены зоометеорологические условия всех сезонов года. Обобщены известные в научной литературе критерии неблагоприятных и опас- ных зооклиматических и зоометеорологических условий для оценки состояния сельскохозяйственных животных и проведения основных хозяйственных меро- приятий в овцеводстве и северном оленеводстве в различные сезоны года. Описаны основные положения математического моделирования состояния и продуктивности овец и северных оленей в зависимости от складывающихся зоо- метеорологических условий. Книга рассчитана на специалистов-зоометеорологов, работников подразде- лений УГМС и сети метеорологических станций, ведущих оперативное обеспе- чение гидрометеорологической информацией потребителей животноводческой отрасли в стране. Книга может быть полезной для преподавателей и студентов вузов и техникумов по курсам прикладной сельскохозяйственной экологии, био- метеорологии, а также специалистов-зоотехников и экологов, работающих в Рос- сии и других странах СНГ.
Инструкция (как работать с материалами лекций) Тезаурус к курсу Лекции 1. Биологические особенности овец, конституция, экстерьер Презентация ТеДополнительные материалы к лекции Литература к курсу Овцеводческие и другие животноводческие фермы (примеры). Дополнительные материалы к курсу "Овцеводство". Лекция №6 Моделирование влияния факторов окружающей среды на продуктивность животных Лекция №5 Зооклиматические условия в течение года и критерии оценки состояния сельскохозяйственных животных на пастбищах. Лекция №4 Влияние погоды и климата на сельскохозяйственных животных Лекция №3. ПРЕДМЕТ И ЗАДАЧИ «ЗООМЕТЕОРОГОГИИ» Лекция №2 ТЕХНИКА РАЗВЕДЕНИЯ ОВЕЦ Лекция № 1. БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ОВЕЦ, КОНСТИТУЦИЯ, ЭКСТЕРЬЕР Овцеводство (курс)
Исследование возможности применения сетевых технологий в агропромышленном комплексе с разработкой конкретных технических решений в настоящее время является весьма актуальной задачей. В статье рассматриваются и обосновываются следующие основные цели исследования в сфере производства молочной продукции исследование возможностей повышения качества молочной продукции с помощью современных сетевых электронных технологий учета молока, исследование возможностей контроля по сети и мониторинга работы автоматов промывки, предназначенных для управления процессом промывки доильной аппаратуры.
Настоящие методические рекомендации по проектированию овцеводческих объектов распространяются на проектирование вновь организуемых, реконструируемых, подвергающихся техническому перевооружению и расширяемых овцеводческих объектов, входящих в их состав отдельных зданий и сооружений, а также крестьянских (фермерских) хозяйств и личных подсобных хозяйств мощностью, указанной в таблице 3 настоящих методических рекомендаций. Положения методических рекомендаций носят рекомендательный характер. При ссылке на данные рекомендации в задании на проектирование конкретного объекта их положения приобретают для данного объекта обязательный характер.
A new early warning system to alert farmers to the risk of disease among their young cattle stock is being developed by experts at The University of Nottingham.